Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My usual routine has run into a few kinks. Remember the New Year's resolution post? About the crowdedness in the gym? Well, my gym has been VERY crowded and while I am glad for people who have made a promise to themselves that they will start off the new year trying to get into shape, it does tend to make my regularly scheduled workouts an exercise in patience and compromise. Generally, when I can't get to the gym because of work or other responsibilites, I try to squeeze in a workout, any workout, to make myself active. Normally, this would be a nice run/walk around some of my regular 5K routes or an extra visit to the karate school. This week, however, has been more of a challenge than usual, as the weather has been icky, nasty, rainy for the past several days. I don't mind getting wet, but talking myself into getting out of my nice warm house to go out into the chilly, early January rain is asking a bit much of me!

As I struggle constantly with allowing my body to rest take a break, I began taking stock of how I am feeling physically, and I realized that I've been a bit more achy than usual (maybe because of the weather), and a bit run-down feeling. The rain and gym crowds may actually be conspiring to make enforced rest an easier decision for me. This "down time" can also be a great time for me to go home after work and do some chores that I have put off in favor of getting my workouts in. A nice pot of chili or spaghetti would be a relaxing meal to put together while letting my body take a break. Once the crowds diminish and the weather becomes more cooperative, I will appreciate my workouts all the more!

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