Saturday, December 24, 2011

Need a way to manage holiday stress? And how about your eating habits? We all know that despite our best efforts that holiday eating sometimes gets out of control. How can you turn down your aunt's special Christmas cake that she makes that you know has 1500 calories a slice, but ohmygosh-it's-so-good-and-she-won't-make-it-again-til-next-year? So you indulge because, well, you can. And what about how you feel when your(insert appropriate name here-mom, sister, brother, uncle, inlaw, etc.) says something that just grates on your nerves, not to mention how you feel when you spend hours/days in the company of those you love, but don't really like? (Let's be honest here.)

The way to deal with this is EXERCISE. Time can get away from you and be at a premium, but it doesn't have to be a long workout or even very intense. Just as short walking breaks at work can give you a second wind, a walk around the neighborhood, or as in my case, a short, slow kata workout, can give you perspective, calm your nerves, and possibly minimize the effects of overindulging in that AWESOME chocolaty dessert. Even if exercise isn't feasible, just getting away from it all can relax you. I learned this from my mother-in-law during large family gatherings years ago. She would often snag my husband and me and we would end up ditching the party and taking in a movie. It was a nice break for all of us, especially since I knew almost no one there (my first introduction to my husband's family).

So, relax, take care of yourself and remember that this season isn't about the gifts and the wrapping paper and getting people the best gifts ever. It's time to spend with family (maybe even in small doses!) and to remember why we really have CHRIST-MAS.

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