If you want to try something new, now is an excellent time to start! You don't have to wait for the beginning of February, the beginning of spring, the first snowfall, or whatever. Just start NOW.
It seems I like to ignore my own advice sometimes, but tonight, I said, "what the heck?" and jumped into a Metabolic Effect class. The instructor was very dynamic and, of course, pushed us to go all out. We did jumping jacks, pushup thingies, a million squats with and without weights, lunges, those stupid burpie things, and a ton of ab work. He also said something about, "your rest periods should....blah, blah, blah..." 'cause I wasn't really listening. I think he said something about the rest periods being equal to the periods we worked out (all out). Since, apparently, I don't follow instructions very well, I got tired. Fast.
I enjoyed the class a great deal. I got my sweat on. I rocked the house (in my own mind, anyway). I will likely take this class again, but you know, those blah-blah rest periods? Maybe, just maybe, I need to incorporate just a bit more of that next time. I have a feeling rolling out of bed in the morning will be it's usual challenge times three or four. Thank God for ibuprofen! And good stretching.
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